Tuesday 27 December 2016

Movies or series I like

In general, I'm not very keen on watching series but when I decide to watch one I really like to do it.
I prefer series about history or set in past times, because of the production, clothing, make up and art direction are more interesting for me to observe. Besides, you can learn a lot with history series and characters are very peculiar.
One of the series I watched about this was: Pillars of the earth, world without end, Vikings and my favorite history serie ''The Tudors''. The latter, is about reign of Enrique VIII of England and the production is fantastic, I can really imagine the life in the sixteenth-century in Europe!

Another series that I watched recently is ''Mr. Robot''. Is about a young man that's called Elliot and his particular life. This character have a really brillant mind, but for society he's just a sick man. Elliot is a hacker, a mad, a person doesn't fit the society, but for me is the most lucid human of all. Withing the series there are criticism to church, political system and a lot of thing that affect us every day.
This series have my favorite characters!!!

In this moment, I don't have free time to watch series, but in holidays I'd like to watch: Breaking Bad, the four season of Vikings, and another series of history. Obviously, I preffer to do other things, so if I really have time or a boring afternoon I will watch one of this series.

Monday 12 December 2016

Postgraduate Studies

I never thought in the possibility of doing postgraduate studies, but in the case that I should do one I'd choose theater direction. What the theater director has to do is monitor the tasks of the actors and direct the production of a performance or play. I think that this course could be a good complement for my artistic career and development. 
Theater is an area that gets my atention and thinking of the possibility of learning how to direct a play. I consider that doing this postgraduate study will give me the tools I need to improve my artistic skills.

Some of the subjects I'd like to cover are acting, the three-point lighting method, dramaturgy and how to create the scripts for plays and cinema production.

The place that I think would be the best for me to study is Buenos Aires, Argentina. Some of my friends and relatives say that city is a good option to study because there are more facilities, better teachers and a variety of courses to choose.

Since I believe that the best way to study and learn things is having a direct student-teacher contact, I'd like to attend classes in a university so I also can socialize with other classmates to share our knowledge. 

After finishing my postgraduate studies I'd like to work not only as a performer but also as a theater director and co-produce in cinematography.

My future job

I always see myself working as a teacher in the university and I love it when I think that. But first I'd like to work on my own, developing myself as a perfomer.
In this way I would like to work in a dance company and/or creating my own dance works. When I imagine myself doing it professionally, it's always working extended hours every single day of the week. In certain way, that makes me excited because I want to have a solid artistic career and for me that's the only way to achieve it. Also, if I have the oportunity I'd like to work in other artistic areas like theater, circus or some discipline that involves working with your body.

One of the advantages of this work is that I could get the chance to travel to another cities and countries to show my performances in cultural centers, theaters and in the street. Besides showing my work to people, I'll have the oportunity to go around the cities that I visit.
After all of this, I'd like to start with my career as a teacher at schools and universities and also run my own workshop of scenic art.
I don't care about money as long as I'm happy with my job and I can travel around the world and getting to know other artists and beautiful people.


A country I'd like to visit

When I think in a country that I like to visit, it always comes to my mind France. Since I was a child this country has been part of my dreams and I imagine myself walking in that old city enyoing the parks and buildings.
The idea of seeing the Eiffel tower is exciting, although I'd rather visit non-touristic places like small coffee shops, fairs and corners. Also it seems very interesting to know the surroundings of Paris.

One of the things I would do is observing the people who lives there, the way they dress, how they interact with each other and their culture in general.

But if I get the chance to travel to Paris, it wouldn't be just for a few days as a holiday trip, I'd really like to keep studying there, get my degree, then work to make enough money and finally live in that awesome city. Once I have my own house, I want my family to visit me, especially my mom because she has always wanted to know this city.


Tuesday 22 November 2016

My best holidays ever

It was february of the year 2013, I went to Iquique with a friend but something terrible happened in that beautiful city: two strangers robbed all our money. That was a sad situation, because we had been planning the trip to Oruro's carnival for a long time but we couldn't go.

When I went back to Santiago with all my ruined plans, a friend's call saved my vacation: She invited me to Puyehue in Los Lagos region. She was with two more friends and her parents. Obviously I accepted the invitation and that was the best decision.
The south of Chile is wonderful, and Puyehue is not the exception: a magic and big lake, thermal waters and a lot of walking trails. That was one of the most beautiful landscapes I have never seen before.
But that is not all: one day, while we were in Osorno, the parents of my friend decided to travel to Bariloche, a small city of Argentina. That was the first time I traveled to another country.
It was amazing, we were so excited and Bariloche didn't disappoint us.

The night in the city was entertaining and we went to pub's and we danced and drank delicious beers.

I think that it was my favorite holidays, before all of the bad experience in Iquique I had my compensation in Bariloche.